NAD+ and Menopause

NAD+ and menopause The average age a woman enters menopause is 51 and by this time her NAD+ levels will have declined drastically.  The loss of estrogen and NAD+ combined creates a perfect storm for cellular dysfunction. NAD+ is an exciting new area of research for menopause – offering a solution for some of the

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Menopause and Biological Age

Menopause and Biological Age Is Menopause Making You Age Faster? Recent studies show menopause can increase biological age – the rate at which your cells are aging inside – indicating the importance of hormones in regulating aging. A recent study which measured the biological age of women as they transitioned from perimenopause into menopause, found

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New Discoveries about the Benefits of Fasting

New Discoveries about the Benefits of Fasting Want to ramp up your metabolism and help reverse some signs of aging?  New research has uncovered previous unknown effects of fasting which include increased metabolic activity and newly identified anti-aging benefits. A study conducted by scientists at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University and

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Is Nicatinomide Riboside Safe?

Is Nicotinamide Riboside Safe? If you came here for a quick yes or no, let’s save you some time. Niagen® – ChromaDex’s patented form of nicotinamide riboside – is safe for all adults when taken as recommended.  Clinical studies, multiple certifications, good manufacturing practices, multiple regulatory approvals and scientific standards have validated Niagen® since its

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